Saturday, May 29, 2010

Guru Balloon | Hot Air Balloon Rides | 407.758.7007

Call and Book your flight today. Fun for the Whole Family and great for friends to share amazing memories together.
Adam C. Carusone
FAA Certified Commercial Pilot - LTA

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Guru Balloon |


Dear friends,


Please enter your Name, Email and Post your ballooing story to the Guru Guestbook page of and get discounts on merchandise at As a further incentive...

The fan that posts the most compassionate, funny, real life, or endearing story as to why their friend or relative deserves a FREE Balloon Flight will be awarded;

(1) One FREE Hot Air Balloon Flight for two (2)
  • -Flight to take place in Orlando, Florida by January,1st 2011
  • -Flight date, time and location are all at pilots discretion.
  • -Flight has no redeemable Cash value.
  • -Contest to end july 4th 2010

    Best wishes to you all, I look forward to your posts.

Best regards,

Adam Carusone

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